Hi, I’m Dee Stewart and I write Christian Fiction Blog to support writer’s of Christian Faith. I started Christian Fiction Blog in 2004 to help other writer’s deal with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of book promotion and book events marketing while still running a household and increasing in spiritual maturity. Today Christian Fiction Blog receives on average 10,000 hits a month. We have a strong subscriber base, 47 member blogging community and writer's network of more than sixty published authors. You are welcome to join.
Thanks to your support I am a one stop author source. I'm an editor, publicist, book marketing consultant, the Atlanta satellite for Mocha Readers Books, an Essence Magazine Reporting bookseller, and for the past three years I have served as a Christys Book Awards Judge. Learn more about me and my clients here at www.deestewart.com.
I have been an editor, book reviewer and Christian journalist for ten years. My writing has appeared in: Gospel Today, Precious Times, Anointed, Hope for Women, Rejoice Atlanta, Romantic Times, Spirit Led Woman, Mosaic Literaty Journal, Atlanta Christian Family and Spirit Led Writer to name a few. Prior to raising my daughter, Selah(7.) I have spent over ten years as a publicist, events marketing consultant and public speaker.
If you want to connect with me about book-selling, your book, or your book marketing campaign or how to incorporate social media in your book marketing campaign, there are various ways to contact me via(just click on the logos:)

Else, please email vidae_99 at yahoo dot com or goto my website Www.deestewart.com, Or if you want a faster response follow me on Twitter