Time has an interesting article about the Obama brouhaha that has went on this week. Honestly, I don't see this event as newsworthy. I think it is a ploy to divide African-American voters. But I am interested in the question--"What does it mean to be Black?" Outside of having fifth generation West African ancestry, great grandparents who lived through Jim Crowism, grandparents march to Selma, and parents intergrate the last white school. What does it mean to be Black now? Is it definable for anyone to write about now? Is this ethnic enclave safe to read now?
This month Christian Fiction will look at books written by both white and black authors, who all have themes relating to bridging the racial gap in worship. If you want to be a part of this reading discussion. Here is the book list. You do not have to read them all or any. Discussion starts one week from today:
1. Athol Dickson's River Rising
2. Sharon Ewell Foster's Abraham's Well
3. Tracey Bateman's Freedom of the Soul
4. Marilynn Griffith's Tangerine
5. Claudia Burney's Murder, Mayhem and a Fine Mana
6. Louise M. Gouge's Then Came Faith
7. Annie Jones'
The Sisterhood Of The Queen Mamas (Steeple Hill Cafe)8. Mary Demuth's Wishing on Dandelions
9. Herman Melville's Billy Bud
10. Dee Stewart's
Straddling the Fence