I have a passion for God that takes my body and soul to the breaking point. Just like listening to BeBe Winans sing Safe from Harm. I take flight when the best combinations of words come together to manifest God.
I have a passion for God...
Tomorrow I will host the second session of my summer reading series, Third Thursdays, and I'm not anxious like I was last month. But ready for the healing. The right combination of words spoken outloud from the saints--oh, Halleluhah--is what I need right now.
See. My life, my real life is no crystal stair. I'm contemplating something heavy that I may have to do, in order to be the best mom God knows I can be for Selah. That may mean that I will not be posting again for a few months. That may mean I may have to leave Atlanta. But it won't mean that I will ever leave the comfort of the Word. Because he is in me.
As you go out and do your thang' the remainder of this year. Remember me. Pray for me. I hope I will still be here, to meet with you on this blog, to continue writing spirit out onto paper, and to be encouraged by your words.
The Word was God. The Word was Life. Can we make life in our words again?
Can we make the sacrifice?Can we be the sacrifice?
Bebe sangs yes:
For the Lord is Good. For the Lord is Good. For the Lord is Good. And I'm safe from harm.
Writing to see what the end's gon' be,
And if I go, please be as sweet to Marina Woods, my guestblogger, as you have been to me.