The question: What did you do for your spiritual ife in '07 that improved your writing?
Hi, Dee:
Thanks for the opportunity to answer your blog question.
In the past year, I took inventory of my commitments in order to make room for my writing ministry in a packed schedule. As much as I have loved ministering to the children in my church, I found out it was to their advantage, as well as my own, to pass the baton to someone else. Now I have much-needed to time stay connected with the Lord by fellowshipping with Him in the Word and prayer, and I can faithfully fulfill the writing assignments that keep coming my way. The children's ministry at my church has a new, on-fire head to lead them to the next level in God. It's always win-win to do what you're supposed to do, rather than what you think you ought to do.
Joyful New Year!
Jill --
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Reluctant Smuggler, January 2008
Multnomah Publishers
Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season...fulfill your ministry. II Timothy 4: 2a and 5b.