Weekend Chatter: Does Your Publicity Campaign Involve Passionate Prayer?
Last night I hosted a telechat with Jordan Rogers and his reader's advisory panel(Twitter chatter.) The objective of the chat was to (1) gain feedback, (2) introduce Jordan to his potential readership, and (3) to fellowship with his peers. #3 of course took over in a good way. The guys began to share their experience with the book and how it affected their ministry. They spoke about the Church Universal and our challenges. A great conversation had by all, we agreed to continue communication, then closed in prayer.
I thought the chat last night and this morning, and it left me with a question that I thought would be a great weekend chatter box question:
Does your Publicity Campaign Involve Passionate Prayer?
I talk often about having a book marketing plan and what thay should entail, but rarely do I recall me sharing the importance of prayer in this plan. Perhaps because I pray so often that I don't share with others. I don't want to come off like a prude, but prayer is important to who am I and what I do and even--most importantly when I choose to represent someone and/or part ways with a client/friend. The decisions I make--when I make them-- are pretty much final, because I have prayed and waited and obey the answer. So my question to you guys as we begin to talk about summer reading and festivals and conventions and what not. Are you praying?