It is March FIRST, time for the FIRST Day Blog Tour! (Join our alliance! Click the button!) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book's FIRST chapter! This month's feature is: Sharon Hinck and her book: The Restorers Journey (The Sword of Lyric)

It is March FIRST, time for the FIRST Day Blog Tour! (Join our alliance! Click the button!) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book's FIRST chapter! This month's feature is: Sharon Hinck and her book: The Restorers Journey (The Sword of Lyric) (Navpress, February 2008) . You can read Sharon's Blog: Stories for the Hero in All of Us. More about the Sword of Lyric Series: The Restorer and The Restorer’s Son. The FIRST chapter shown here is from the third book, The Restorer's Journey. Enjoy!
Chapter One - JAKE
My mom was freaking out.
She stared out the dining room window as if major-league monsters were hiding in the darkness beyond the glass. Give me a break. Our neighborhood was as boring as they came. Ridgeview Drive’s square lawns and generic houses held
nothing more menacing than basketball hoops and tire swings. Still, Mom’s backwas tight, and in the shadowed reflection on the pane, I could see her bitingher lip. I didn’t know what to say to make her feel better.
My parents gathered up the pizza stuff and carried it to the kitchen, out of
sight, but not out of earshot.
“If we hide the portal stones Cameron and Medea won’t be able to go back,” Dad
said over the crinkling of a sheet of aluminum foil.
Someone slammed the fridge door shut hard enough to make the salad dressing
bottles rattle. “We don’t want them running around our world. They don’t belong
here.” Mom sounded tense.
“I know. We have to send them back. But on our terms. Without anything that
would hurt the People of the Verses. And what about Jake?”
Silence crackled, and I leaned forward from my spot on the couch.
When Mom refused to answer, Dad spoke again, so quiet I almost couldn’t hear.
“We need to keep the portal available in case he’s needed there. But how will
we know?”
Needed there? Did he really think . . .?
I waited for them to head back to their bedroom, then slipped down the steps
from the kitchen to the basement. Most of the basement was still unfinished –
except for my corner bedroom and Dad’s workbench.
I hurried into my room and shut out the world behind me. Tonight everything
looked different. The movie posters, the bookshelves, the soccer team trophy.
Smaller, foreign, unfamiliar.
I pulled a thumbtack from my bulletin board and scratched it across my thumb. A
line of blood appeared, but in a microsecond the tiny scrape healed completely.
I had assumed the healing power was some heebie-jeebie thing that Medea had
given me, or that had transferred over from my interactions with Kieran.
But now that my head had stopped throbbing, I could put the pieces together.
Excitement stronger than caffeine zipped around my nerve endings. My folks
thought this was more than a weird effect left over from my travels through the
portal. They thought I might be the next RestorerTo read the full excerpt visit here