OK. I've been up, since 6:30 reading my email, learning from Chuck, reading Dave Long's Blog archive and taking Selah to school. Last night I began reading a MS of a novel that wowed me. I'm now very confident in the Black Voice in Christian Fiction. Thanks to this emerging author and a message I received from Marilynn Griffith.
She exclaimed, "It's[my breakthrough] is Coming!"
And I'm starting to believe it. Most of this morning I've went back to my plot and added higher stakes, which changes the story completely, but emphasises my theme more clearer and more powerful.
Today I will complete my outline. Not outline it to death as Chucky P told me. Just going to get a feel of where Peaches and I are going. Write at least five pages with Peaches, pick up my baby from PreK and return to reviewing this MS. Hopefully, learn some techniques and possibly write some more tonight after Selah goes to sleep.
So, Chris the novel is coming. Watch out there now!!
Writing to see what the end gon' be,
The Pruning Principle
2 years ago