Today I began brainstorming Book 2 of my series* tonight. Unlike my first book, whereby I had all the time in the world to build a book, I have a deadline July 15 to turn in an outline. So how do a newbie published author transition from hobbyist to professional writer? er um… how do you write under a deadline?
For me, all I need is One Note. Microsoft’s One Note.
Here I can house all the jots and doodles about my novel in one place. It’s like a corkboard without the cork and board just the white space. I love it.
If you squint you’ll see that i have my book sectioned by tabs, a synopsis section and marketing plan. i’ve dropped in some pics of the scene and the muse, Jason Momoa for my main character. i can even drop in my soundtrack for the book in there. (yeah I use music to help me write these stories.) I can even drop in videos. I have a hilarious youtube of a wedding gown grab down that has helped me write the opening scene.
I plotted Part 1(the first 75 pages in a few hours.) Tomorrow I’ll roughly write the opening scene. Guess what you can pop in a Todo that syncs to Outlook inside this. Isn’t that cool.
I can even drop my whole scene in this section as a Microsoft Doc. Kewler!!
Now I have a question for you. How do you keep up with all your story building tools?