Tyler Perry's hit stage play, What's Done in the Dark hadn't had lights out for a good two minutes before the playwright who never sleeps has a new one ready to hit the American stage. “The Marriage Counselor” opened in January.
Update: "The Marriage Counselor" is about a husband and wife living with their in-laws. The husband is an accountant and the wife is a marriage counselor who offers advice to everyone. When a college friend drops in, the marriage counselor is the one who needs advice.
Tony Grant, who starred in Why Did I Get Married the stageplay will be the lead in this one. He's a great performer. Can't wait.
It comes to Atlanta April 17-20, 2008, and will show at the Fabulous Fox. I need a date. :)
Update: I don't want a date, because I won't need one, because Taimak "The Last Dragon" Guarriello will also be starring in the play! It would be unfair for my male companion to attend this with me, since my attention will be on Tony, Taimak and Tyler and whomever is up there, unless he is my secret crush. Then you know. So...uhm...my birthday is next month (Feb. 3) if you want to donate to my Birthday gift play fund watch the sidebar Friday. Really...I really must see this now. :) Really...
Check the comments section for more cast info and tour dates.
September 08 Update: Fall tour dates in comments below.
Update: I don't want a date, because I won't need one, because Taimak "The Last Dragon" Guarriello will also be starring in the play! It would be unfair for my male companion to attend this with me, since my attention will be on Tony, Taimak and Tyler and whomever is up there, unless he is my secret crush. Then you know. So...uhm...my birthday is next month (Feb. 3) if you want to donate to my Birthday gift play fund watch the sidebar Friday. Really...I really must see this now. :) Really...
Check the comments section for more cast info and tour dates.
September 08 Update: Fall tour dates in comments below.