- An excerpt from For Parents Only: Getting Inside the Head of Your Kid
Last Friday Selah and I went to see Disney's Enchanted and Sony's This Christmas. Both movies were great. What theme that resonated from both was this need for connection. My family and I love movies. It is one of our chief pasttimes. Watching movies I can talk with Selah about us without her thinking this is a parent talk.

So when I received For Parents Only in the mail I was pleasantly surprised. It is a small book that can fit in a shoulder bag or in your hand. so its easy to grab reference material. What's the best part about the book is that this book is derived from more than 1200 kids. Their responses buttress the points in this book. I love this fact, because there are things that Selah do--she's seven, not a teen--mimic what teenage girls do. This helps me figure out what is going on with her, so that I can guide her into growing up in the best way I can and also add my faith into her walk toward maturity. I am also finding out some things about myself. Why I lashed out at my mom and dad at times. Why I put up with not-so-good friends. I tell you this book is good. You don't have to be a parent for this one. I think this book is a great gift for all.

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