According to my reviewing cronies at Romantic Times Magazine (Jan. 2006 edition)...Marilyn FunFiction Griffith's Made of Honor is the first African-American chick lit title to their new Steeple Hill Cafe imprint. Blessings, Mary.
Harlequin's African American book monoply
The publisher plans to launch two fiction lines for African-American markets in 2006 thru 2007. Kimani Press, which will publish four books a month starting next July. Former BET's Arabesque, New Spirit will continue what it has been doing with its same VP, Linda Gill, BET books publisher, but under a new Harlequin flagship and a new senior editor, Mavis Allen of Silhouette. Former BET books assistent editor, Demetria Lucas has been named associate editor at Harlequin as well.
Dafina expands inspirational
Kensington's Dafina imprint will expand its spiritual and inspirational romance line through 2007. Publisher Weekly states: "Author Victor McGlothin, who has published several novels with St. Martin's Press, is shifting gears with his forthcoming Dafina title, scheduled for May 2006. Down on My Knees is the faith-based story of a single mother who takes a vow of celibacy."
Barbour's Serenity Manga

African American Christian Comics & Laurence Fishbourne

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