Blogs to Follow
- Literary Agent, Rachelle Garner - From Proposal to Publication blog series
- The premier blogging event for women of color - Blogalicious 09
- Book Marketing Tips -DeeGospel PR Blog
- #litchat Every Friday 4pm on Twitter. Use Tweetchat.com to participate. use room litchat to enter.
- Do Black Book Covers Sell? You can join me on Twitter @deegospel or on facebook at www.facebook.com/dee.stewart or here for the weekend chatterbox question to participate
- #writechat Every Sunday 3pm on Twitter.
- This weekend - NBCC , National Bookclub Conference, Atlanta, GA. E. Lynn Harris Tribute
- This weekend - NBAF, National Black Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA. E. Lynn Harris Tribute
- August 14-15, 2009 - TownCenter Mall, South Charleston, Virginia. Meet Tiffany L. Warren, Reshonda Tate Billingsley, Stacy Hawkins Adams, Bonnie Hopkins & Dwan Abrams live for big book signing event. If you're attending Bishop TD Jakes Birthing Place Conference this event will be across from the conference center near the food court.
I reviewed this book this spring for Romantic Times Magazine. It's still time to pick up a copy. Here's a snippet of my review.
Griggs is back with a sweet romance... fans will love this book, since it has the same romantic feel as her first novel.
Summary: Melissa Anderson moonlights on the weekends as an events planner, hoping to one day have her own business. She has a plan to get there and Christian dating rules to keep her from getting distracted. But when she meets minister Marcus Peeples she starts to rethink her rules.
Marcus has finally moved on after his marriage ended and found his match in Melissa -- but she doesn't date divorced men. (DAFINA, Jun., 304 pp., $15.00)
Friday Afternoon Club Mystery: I have a few nominations that came in through Twitter.
- Attica Locke, Black Water Rising
- Timothy Stelly, Human Trial (mainstream)
- Creston Mapes, Nobody (CBA)
- Claudia Mair Burney, Deadly Charm (mainstream/CBA edgy)
A little minor housekeeping...On Tyler Perry Studios Casting Call. From what I know they are closed and the email or Alpha here is not working. Will find out if they are still casting and get back with you as soon as I know. Get ready Get ready for Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself(sounds like my mantra) September 11, 2009. Check this blog I have details about the movie.
Update: visit www.tylerperrystudios.com to stay uptodate.
Also TPS will begin shooting Georgia Sky in November. GA Sky(if you search the blog) is a YA novel series written by Stephanie Perry Moore(no relation) her payton skyy series. Selah is a fan. Stephanie is a sweetheart, so support the books and movies. Youi can learn more about casting for that movie at the GeorgiaSky twiiter page. www.twitter.com/georgiasky