Creston Mapes is one of the most authentic writers in the Christian Fiction arena today, consistently delivering psychological thrillers with powerful messages that booklovers crave from cover to cover.
Creston’s latest tale is about a mysterious, rich, murdered homeless man, Nobody (Multnomah Books, Sept. 18, 2007)
An excerpt from Nobody…
I’d seen stiffs at crime scenes before, one flat on his back in the middle of his garage with a twelve-inch meat cleaver sticking straight up out of his rib cage like a Halloween prank: self-inflicted, to boot. But this one beat all.
Creston’s realistic tone is attributed to not only his contemporary writing style, but also to tons of research.
“My publisher sent me to Las Vegas to research this new story. Not only did I tour the casinos and clubs along Las Vegas Boulevard, but I canvassed the whole city researching the area and, especially, touring the enormous homeless community. There are 10,000 homeless people in Las Vegas. I saw the encampments where they live and went into the free clinics where they're treated for everything from spider bites and chronic colds to foot ulcers and hunger,” states Mapes.
When asked why is Nobody so important to his readers and the Body of Christ?
Creston states, “Nobody is written with the underlying message that Christians can become so involved in the works of the church, and in pleasing man, that they can forget the people outside the church, who still have not found God. I pray this novel will remind us all that we have been reconciled by God and we, in turn, are called to help lead others to be reconciled with Him as well.”
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