Black Fatherhood Anthology
Black Fatherhood Anthology ISO Submissions Kinship
Press, a Philadelphia-based imprint, is soliciting
personal essays of not more than 1,500 words from men
or women who can tell a short, uplifting anecdote or
thumbnail sketch of a loving, supportive black father
who was willing to make enormous sacrifices to raise
healthy, productive children. The selected essays will
appear in an anthology designed to paint a
well-rounded portrait of black men as loving,
committed role models. A portion of the proceeds from
the sale of the book will benefit The Fatherhood
Initiative Program.
Submissions should be e-mailed to
( no later than
August 15, 2005. The authors of the selected essays
will receive five copies of the anthology and have an
opportunity to share in a meaningful project that
celebrates the black experience.
Please include your name, contact info and e-mail
address with your submission. Feel free to forward
this request for submissions to black writers'
groups, conferences, or other talented individuals
who may be interested in contributing to the
Kinship Press
7715 Crittenden Street, Suite 308
Philadelphia, PA 19118-4421
Dee Stewart, Editor