Discussion Chatter posts are the easiest to create and bring the most hits to your blog. All you need is a hot watercooler topic and you're done. What's so great about having a book blog is that it's very easy to find a hot topic based on the latest book craze. Seriously New Moon, the movie releases next month and you can best believe that chopping it up about that book will bring readers to your door.
If you're a Christian fiction blogger like myself, then Ted Dekker's release of Green should send some chatter your way. I will definitely be talking about this book this week and hope to have Dekker stop by Media Candy in the near future(hint: you all can help me make that happen.)
Below is an example of a hot topic that received and still receives many hits at Christian Fiction Blog:
2 Dead Men Walking

I cannot believe. I cannot believe it. Two of my favorite actors: Gary Dourdan(CSI) and Mekhi Phifer(ER) were killed off their shows last night. I am so done. I'll be writing all day. No TV.
Weekend Chatterbox Question: What's going on? Are AA TV Demographics down? What should I watch in the fall? Is Hill Harper Next?

Dourdan photo courtesy of CSI: Wetpaint
Harper photo courtesy of BlackMeninAmerica.com
Phifer photo courtesy of ER Headquarters
Also: Don't forget to register for the VIP ONline writer's Conference. we may have to write some shows for these great men. :)