2008 National Book Awards Announcement from National Book Foundation on Vimeo.

"Thank you all for your prayers and your calls. Please keep praying for our family and that we get Julian King back home safely. If anyone has any information about his whereabouts please contact the authorities immediately. Here is a picture of Julian and what he was last seen wearing. Once again thank you all for being there for us through this tough time.
The Hudson Family(Source: MySpace)
"I'm not a natural memoir writer," said Anne Rice. "I'm a natural fiction writer. In fiction you can resolve a lot of things, but writing a memoir is not like that. You churn up material and don't really resolve anything, so I'm very glad it's done." (Source)
Rice's memoir 'Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession' (Alfred A. Knopf, $24) shares her journey to her return to Catholicism.
TL Hines. Have you seen his pages?

My book fun buddy TL Hines is at it again. This time he and his fanbase are disassembling a single copy of his latest novel, 'The Unseen,' and hiding all 383 pages across the United States and Canada, hoping to connect with potential readers in unexpected settings. Bookmarks attached to the pages invite people to visit the author's website, tlhines.com, and leave a comment before placing the pages elsewhere for other people to find.
'Why? Well, a multitude of reasons, but foremost among them is: to have fun. Maybe sell a few books, maybe meet a few new people, maybe get a few unexpected surprises...but for me, that all comes under the category of having fun.
Hines is offering a prize to encourage people to leave a comment, then hide the page for others to find: the page receiving the most comments on the web site wins free signed copies of the author's first two books, 'Waking Lazarus' and 'The Dead Whisper On,' for every person who found it.

Introduced in 2006, the Sony Reader was the first product of its kind in the publishing industry. The second edition of the device was released in 2007, featuring expanded capabilities and features.
Zondervan will sell individual Reader Digital Books to retailers and offer Zondervan's content for the portable device, company officials said. An interactive point-of-purchase demonstration fixture for the Sony Reader is also available for Christian retailers through Zondervan.
"We are excited to offer our CBA partners the unique ability to sell not only the digital content, but also the device to access the content, which we view very much as a competitive advantage for them," said Moe Girkins, Zondervan president and CEO.