Terri McMillan and Penquin Group, Inc. have launched a summer reading project. My public library has launched a summer reading project. I think Oprah is thinking about launching one. Well...I want to launch one.
But mine will be different. It's genre focus will be Christian Fiction or close to it. I'm asking you guys to give me three books to nominate for Dee's Christian Fiction Summer Reading Fest. I will read a passage from the book at Third Thursdays this summer. And we can discuss the book throughout the summer here at my message board or doing a monthly online chat.
Please forward me your nominations to vidae@writing.com by June 1, 2005. I will pick the most requested book. You can purchase the book or pick it up at your public library. Or we can get the book at a discount through my favorite Christian Book Store, The Potter's House.
I welcome any and all support to get this thing going.
Writing to see what the end gon' be,
The Pruning Principle
2 years ago