Becky Miller must be me! Honey, at the beginning of this book she nailed one of my morning daydreams in the carpool line. I want some excitement. But I'm afraid to step off that cliff if you know what I mean.
Renovating Becky Miller
Synopsis: Becky Miller's wild imagination has gotten her way over her head again. Her family has decided to restore a home outside of town. But she can't just tackle that little project. No! She has to try to fix every thing else, but herself and that house.
The cutest thing about this book and the whole story is very cute. But I love the Guide to Home Repair on the back cover. It sums up the story and the God lesson Sharon Hink wants you to get.
We are about to start spring cleaning. I think this book is a great book to read when you're resting. It's also a great book to launch a Renovating Me Club. Something I think I really need to do. My life is in need of deep repair right now.
Y'all pray for me and pick up this book.