This is Day 18 of 30 Days to Build a Better Book Blog.
I will step out of order(we were talking about book blog content,) in order to address a new and important issue for bloggers, especially book bloggers like us. Yesterday I posted on Twitter the new FTC Rules for Bloggers.
Today I want to simplify the rules in terms that we understand, as well as address a common dilemma between veteran book reviewers.
What the new FTC Rules mean?
Book Bloggers who receive payment or in-kind payment for a book review must disclose their relationship with the payor.
What is in-kind payment?
A book of retail value is considered in-kind. An ARC is not, because it cannot be sold and holds no value. The ARC or loose bound manuscript cannot be sold.
What if I do receive the actual book to review?
It's cool. However, in your review you need to add your relationship to the payor. You can write something simple as, "Disclosure: I was provided with this free product by
What if I was paid for the review?
You must disclose that you were paid a fee to write the endorsement.
Will this affect my credibility?
Read my next post to find out my answer. It's twofold.
If I don't disclose what will happen to me?
Fines for violating the new rule will run up to $11,000 per post.
paid blogger pic courtesy of media bistro.com