The Daphne du Maurier Writing Contest for Excellence in Mystery/SuspenseUNPUBLISHED DIVISION
The contest is open to any writer who has never been contracted in book-length fiction (40,000 words or more) from any publisher.
Any manuscript that has previously finaled in the Daphne including honorable mentions is not eligible for entry again.There is no limit to the number of entries per author, but each entry may be entered in ONLY ONE category.
Membership in Romance Writers of America® and/or MRSRWA is not a requirement for entry.
Deadline: Entries must be received NO LATER THAN March 15, 2008. Early entries will be held until all entries are received. All entries received after the deadline will be returned to sender.
Winners will be announced at the RWA® National Conference in San Francisco in 2008.
The first place entry in each category will receive an engraved bookmark, a cash prize of $25 and a gift certificate for one COFFIN online class.
The second-place entry will be awarded a certificate, a cash prize of $15 and a gift certificate for one COFFIN online class.
The third-place entry will be awarded a certificate, a cash prize of $10 and a gift certificate for one COFFIN online class.
The remaining finalists will receive certificates.
The top overall scoring entry will receive the Daphne du Maurier Award.