For the past two weeks I have been conflicted with how to address a Christian novel that was sent to me to review. There is a sexual scene in the novel. I stopped reading at the end of that scene.
Although I am just as progressive as the next liberal Christian, my soul has a problem with this passage. What's even more disconcerting is that I know some readers and writers who do not find anything wrong with providing sex scenes in a Christian novel, especially if the couple is married(which they are in this case.) If only I could feel that okay with it. My personal opinion is that regardless of the marital status, we have to be watchful and prayerful about our diction and what we choose to tell. Soft porn has become a major problem in American Christian culture.
But I am approaching my deadline for the review next week, so I need to get off my soapbox , complete this book and write the review. So I prayed to God to help me get through this. He answered my prayers this morning. J. Mark Bertrand, I give you huge kudos for directing me to this commentary.
To read how this commentary helped me and can help you, let me direct you to my new site.
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