Tomorrow is the first day of the Halo's Eve Project. So as I'm perusing my Monday morning blog feeds, I notice Lori Copeland is talking about creating a writing hygiene between a very long cat nap over at
Charis Connection.
An excerpt...
So what's my point?
I guess it's this; if you want to be a writer, you have to be disciplined. I’m not. So maybe you don’t have to be so disciplined, just factor in days that you actually work.
Why is that important here? Well, for the next month many writers will participate in NaNoWriMo. They will sit down and try to churn out a novel in a month. At Halo's Eve we will sit down and try to polish our novels in a month. Whatever the case, we will be working toward a novel writing goal. And this takes discipline. But as Lori points out, you don't have to be a robot. You can have a life and still make time--through God's grace--to create a novel. So as we do this journey together, please remember not to get upset when you couldn't write today, because your daughter caught a virus in Kindergarten and has to stay home for two days. Or your job decides to launch a new project that requires more overtime hours from you. We do all things through Christ. He will give you the time you need. The only discipline you need to concern yourself with is--keeping God first and treating others as you would have them treat you. Everything else will line up after that. And if your cat nap turns into a post-supper snooze, then dream about your novel.
Writing to see what the end's gon' be,