Lord You see my life is broken
And I don't know what to do
While I'm in this change, help me remain
-Lyrics from "A Song of Strength" written by Fred Hammond.
For months my soul has struggled to hold the reigns of my life. Last weekend it let go and I fell to the bottom of me. This place is dark, shame filled, lonely, and draining. You can't create in this space. You cannot feel hope, or experience joy, or know who you belong to in that abyss. I wished I would have heeded the detours and roadblocks that are now so apparent along this way. As I sit at a new crossroads in my life I have had to make some weird and heartwrenching, but soul saving decisions. I hope to share these decisions with you own my blog in weeks to come, but today I want to share the remedy that has brought me back to the edge of my soul.
I am still traveling, so I am not fully there. But I do know from the emails I've received, the prayer requests mentioned, the phone calls I've taken and the love that I have had to say goodbye to again, I am not alone. Somehow, somewhere some of us have lost our way-- not because we intentionally chose to stumble, but because we have gotten so caught up trying to live our day-to-day lives we've forgotten that we were created to live forever. So if you are like me or experiencing something close to what I am right now, then continue reading and I will share my remedy for spiritual renewal and a song that keeps me focused every day.
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