Avian bird flu is back at the forefront of most evening news shows this week. One conspiracy theory making the weekly rounds is that this flu is a form of bio terrorism or a backdoor push for a new drug :
And suddenly more than 30,000 poultry birds die of bird flu in a remote place, says Banerjee, former director of the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune who is also a member of the government committee advising about bio terrorism.. Banerjee says he is mystified by the fact that the virus showed up in a remote place that is not an international border or on the path of migratory birds that could possibly bring the virus. This needs detailed investigations, he said. Asked if the virus could have been introduced deliberately he said all aspects must be investigated."
FBI Special Agent Nathan Donovan of New York City's Joint Terrorism Task Force agrees. And if America isn't careful, we could be next.
In Tim Downs, new novel, The Plague Maker Donovan has to stop a bioterrorist before he reintroduces the Black Plague to the country.
From Publishers Weekly, October 24, 2005 review...
Downs evenhandedly dispenses humor, interesting technical details and the trademark "ick" factor that characterizes his previous books. He throws in enough surprises and unusual events to keep the story fresh, and he's learned how to hold a novel together through the closing pages. The real plagues, Downs suggests, are fear, hatred and a thirst for revenge, and he manages to convey the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation without too much sermonizing. This is Downs's best book to date.
I'm reading this novel now and it is indeed a page-turner.
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