We are proud to announce our top ten Christian book releases for October 2010.
1. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
The list author says:"Isabel Wilkerson is an authority on African-American History. I've been a fan of her work for years. Learn the story of our migration to the West."
2. Medical Error (Prescription for Trouble Series #2) by Richard L. Mabry MD
"When a medical doctor pens a medical thriller you must take notice. Mabry never disappoints me."
3. Last Temptation by Michelle Stimpson
"Been waiting for this book for a while. My book club friends have been talking about it. Hope it lives up to our expectation."
4. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
"Now this isn't a CBA title, but it's theme is based on angel mythology, which I think is a topic we need to be aware of, especially if we have Teen kids."
5.A Girl Named Mister by Nikki Grimes
"I am so excited about this book. Nikki is one of my favorite children authors. Excited about her relationship with Zondervan."
6.Torment (Fallen) by Lauren Kate
"another YA novel about angel mythology."

7.Long Time Coming by Vanessa Miller
"Vanessa is a great writer and sweet lady to meet. So proud of her. You will enjoy this week."
8.Dragons of the Valley: A Novel by Donita K. Paul
"Donita Paul is a great fantasy writer. I'm a huge fan. Come join her worlds."
9. Her Daughter's Dream (Marta's Legacy) by Francine Rivers
"Who doesn't enjoy a Francine Rivers novel?"

10. Black Megachurch Culture: Models for Education and Empowerment (Black Studies & Critical Thinking) by Sandra L. Barnes
"a must read"