Yep. Once again I am going to participate in NANoWRIMO. That is National Novel Writing Month. I have, too, folks. I've been doing the pr stuff, short stuff, but need to get an agent and need more logs on my fire. I need more books, yall.
So ontop of dealing with Trick or Treaters and another spiel on "Why we don't celebrate Halloween" to Selah. I have to cram for NanoWrimo so I can start writing tomorrow.
How will I cram? Well, here is my 24 Hour ToDoo List to Prep for NANOWRIMO
- Set dailing writing schedule
- Complete character sketch(I already have that. I use a sketch I learned from attending Anna DeStefano's writing workshops)
- Build skeleton plot (I use an 8 point one based on JMARK Bertrand's model)
- have a clean composition book for writing in car, at kitchen table and in tub
- Find a nanowrimo partner. A few twitter friends have given me their userid. Mine is deestewart.
- Giving myself permission to write horribly bad.
- Set up scheduled blog posts (done that)
- Goto grocery store
- Get my progress tracker badge for site
- Buy a new crazy pen.