This image is interactive. Move your arrow to sample Deborah E. Bradley’s Tis the Seasonhttp://itunes.apple.com/us/album/joy-to-the-world/id476273788?i=476273972&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Gospel Christmas CD.
Connecting Christian Readers with Good Storytellers
This image is interactive. Move your arrow to sample Deborah E. Bradley’s Tis the Seasonhttp://itunes.apple.com/us/album/joy-to-the-world/id476273788?i=476273972&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Gospel Christmas CD.
Happy Friday: Here are Two Christmas Stories you can read in 5 Minutes. thanks to Chris Mikesell and Kathleen Kovach winners of our Christmas Short Story Contest at Christian Fiction Online Magazine.
Nativity by Chris Mikesell
The box and its contents had been a birthday gift from his father. Handmade wooden figurines: a man, woman, infant, three shepherds, six sheep (mostly still intact), and an angel. A year later he painted the inside of the box, a child’s rendering of a stable, complete with a lop-eared donkey and a horse whose facial expression indicated intestinal distress.
For the past three years his parents had recited the story to him. This year it was his turn…
Warmth from a Window by Kathleen E. Kovach
Sleet pelted the concrete as she walked toward the old church. Her fingers clutched her coat collar to keep the cold from invading. She hadn’t been to worship in years, but something about the solid stone building beckoned her.
This Christmas Eve she’d never felt more alone. She had relocated because of a new job. Old friends were far away. She had no family.
But the old church smiled at her one day as she walked by on her way to work. How else could she describe it? Its double doors were open wide and she heard laughter coming from inside…
Click here to read them in full http://christianfictiononlinemagazine.com/best_multicultural.html