Tyndale releases this press release on PRWeb on Friday.
Cheryl Kerwin, Tyndale fiction marketing manager, estimates that there has been a 25 percent increase in new visitors to the Left Behind Series website (www.leftbehind.com) over the last few months. Following Hurricane Katrina, Tyndale saw a nearly 50 percent jump in sales of the 1998 non-fiction title Are We Living in the End Times? by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. In addition, Tyndales apocalyptic political thriller The Ezekiel Option by Joel C. Rosenberg has sold more than 100,000 copies since July...
On November 15, they will release their fourteenth Left Behind® novel, The Regime, tipping series sales past the 43 million mark. Events such as Y2K, 9/11, the Iraqi war, and more recently the Malaysian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina spark internet chatter, news coverage, church sermons and even book sales but the underlying question remains. Could these be warning signs of the end?
I am amazed that The Regime may sale 43 million copies. But what is even more amazing is that people are reading these stories as possible indicators of what the end may look like. Although scripture has certainly stated that the Lord will come back like a thief in the night( 2 PETER 3:10-13.) At leat 43 million of us, seem to think we know which night the thief will strike.
I've often thought that the end would come when the world was full or political peace or when everyone spoke the same language(rap music).
Maybe I should write a novel with that idea something different and more biblically sound. Like a story about a chicken who claims that the sky is falling. But no one believes him until it actually does. I think the latter may be an even bigger hit than the others.

But if the end is here like these books conclude, then perhaps we can ask DaVinci is there any value in his code,as well. Something to think about.
What do you think of these end time novels? Do you read them for entertainment value or to prepare for Armageddon? Or because your pastor told you to? Or seriously, is there any validity in this type of fiction? Has christian fiction moved from pulpit propoganda to holy news feeds?
Hope I'm not sounding cynical, just amazed. And I want to be in the number when He returns. That's all.
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