The Begotten, the first in the series finaled in this year's Christy's Book Awards. The Betrayed: A Novel of the Gifted (The Gifted)
This books should be a movie. I think actor, Jimmy Jean-Lous (Heroes) should be cast as Hasani.
My favorite passages in The Betrayed...
Gianni studied Daria, standing in the bow of the skiff, face to the rain as if she could smell where she was to go. They all had a fierce devotion to her now, but what was stirring within his own heart was something he had not felt for some time. It brought him up short and and he frowned in consternation. There was no time for such foolish imaginings. He had to stay alert, remain intent on keeping Daria's safe and secure in the wild, uncharted waters ahead. Romantic entanglements would only weaken him, weaken them all.
...Daria said. "It's not the crucix that heals-but who it symbolizes. Ist is only because of the risen Lord that I was able to heal that boy. Healing comes from Christ and the Holy Spirit. "
Now we know in a good book, poor Gianni can keep his little hopes to himself. He's already a goner :) Mayne this Healer will heal his heart. Think this should be our bookclub pick for the fall? Maybe w e could cast Daria and Gianni, too after we discuss this book.(Sept, Berkley, $23.95)
I am gifted, and so are you! Thanks for sharing the word about my series. I learned a great deal in the process of writing them. I love how God continues to expand my world--and hope you do too.
And, oh my, a movie! That would be the coolest thing...to see my vision played out on film. Our God is huge, so you never know...
FYI, there's a reader's guide in the back of each of these books--making it easy on book groups everywhere!
Lisa T. Bergren
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