Oh boy, have we been talking about Thomas Nelson. (here, here, here, here , here, and here.) But for the few of you who are still out the loop. This is the gist of the story. The publishing house laid off 10% of its workforce and is cutting 50% of new titles published a year.
My favorite quote from Michael Hyatt...
As a heavy book reader myself, I contend that we need better books not more books. I can’t tell you how many books I started this past year and never finished. Why? Because, frankly, they weren’t worth finishing. Most of them left me underwhelmed. The authors would have done better to boil down the content and make it a magazine article.I won't talk about the layoffs, because that's a hard and different thing I won't tackle. Cutting books I applaud. I've been complaining about shelf space since I started this blog. AA authors, particularly Christian authors get no space. My friends have to rely on prebook orders in order to hope to have one book on somebody's shelf. In the same regard, we're not writing our best. Let's be honest. And some of us really don't write in this market. I know of an author who moved over to Christian fiction because his agent told him about the market was still wide open for his demographic. Unfortunately, it is...if you're a reader who wants to read a good, soulful story.
Tyler Perry Stalker
When a grown woman makes a media mogul afraid to leave his home we have a problem, idol worship to the enth power. My galpal, Princess Dominque has Ann's response.
Let me just say we, women go off the deep end when we're rejected. I know I do...But Tyler Perry? Come on.
Wright the Black Church
What's wrong with being pro African-American? What's wrong with Black spiritualism which preaches race reconciliation? Or is it fear from other cultures who didn't know that we talk about the elephant room in our pews... I praythat all this media attention sparks more dialogue and real reconciiation.
Meet the Mann's
David and Tamela Mann{Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns] will headline the church's benefit concert for its Youth of the Future program, which assists with after-school tutoring, mentoring and gang preventio
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