I knew Dakota would play Lily, just knew it Selah is ecstatic now that we live in Dakota's home town. I told her she doesn't live in Conyers anymore. But you know how bright-eyed girls are... :)
Here is a snippet of Sue Monk Kidd's Reflections about the movie...
An adaptation is not a clone of the novel. It’s the story rendered in a different artistic medium, and in order to translate it from one to the other, changes are needed... It[a change in Tristan's abduction] enhances the drama considerably. It wasn’t one of those things I wished I’d thought of, but I didn’t mind it. I could see the wisdom in it for the movie. All in all, though, Gina has been remarkably faithful to the story. In her note that accompanied the script, she wrote: “Your novel was my bible.”
I'm looking forward to the movie, too, although I have to express my disappointment in Sue Monk Kidd's departure from true Christianity years ago. She is promoting a goddess spirituality now (for lack of a better word)and the feminine Divine.
I hope we as Christian writers can separate her writing style from her content because her beliefs are really skewed now.
Are you referring to the Shrine of the Black Madonna thread in the novel? Or just her personally?
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