Welcome to this weeks Christian Fiction News for the week ending May 23, 2008.
1. Are six-figure book deals for niche bloggers good business?
Newsweek article
2. Why aren't more memoirs made into novels?
Pamela Binnings Ewan of Mandeville, author of Walk Back the Cat, has just released The Moon in the Mango Tree (B&H Publishing Group), a novel based on a true story about an opera singer in the roaring '20s who must choose between career and marriage. Publisher's Weekly called it "...rich and heartfelt ... prose is laudably rich in specific and colorful detail ... Ewen is a talented writer, and this is a strong addition to Christian fiction." -Chere Coen reporting for The Advertiser3. Is the Shack Heresy or a Miracle?
“This story[The Shack] is meant to teach theology that Young really believes to be true. The story is a wrapper for the theology. In theory, this is well and good; in practice, the book is only as good as its theology. And in this case, the theology just is not good enough. -Pastor Daniel Runke, former pastor at Albion Evangelical Free Church.According to Christian Retailing, yes after New Life Christian(NY) and Rainbow Family in Ohio.
More: The Shack on NPR
"There is a God who is involved in things like this," he says. "There is really no human explanation for some of what's going on here." Young calls himself an "accidental author," one who has happened into a publishing miracle.
4. Are African American Christian BookStores going bust?
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