Happy Friday. This weekend. I'm reading Derek Fisher's Character Driven: Life, Lessons, and Basketbal (Touchstone, Sep. 2009)
For those of you who don't know who Derek Fisher is. He's spent thirteen seasons in the NBA playing for Los Angels Lakers, Golden State Warriors, and Utah Jazz. He is the president of the NBA and most importantly, a Christian father and husband.
In this book he shares:
- How his faith has helped him on and off the court in the face of adversity.
- How he used skills he had perfected in his career to help him deal with his daughter's illness(you have to read his story.)
- His on court ritual before he shoots a free throw
- and more
Anyway, ladies if your son, husband, daddy is an NBA buy this book for you. He teaches you the rules of basketball, so you now can hold a conversation lol. Also get this book for your special men they would enjoy it. This is also a great tool for singles ministry, Christian parenting, wedding guilds, male book clubs, and so many others. Kudos to Touchstone and Derek.
Purchase Character Driven: Life, Lessons, and Basketball
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