In three days I will share with you some of my tools to host a successful book event at the Virtual Writer's Conference.
I hope you have registered. If you haven't you have only three days until you miss this chance. I will not be able to share this information again this year, because I am practicing what I preach...building and promoting great book events, and this summer and fall will be releasing some other educational products for authors and publicists. But until then, wouldn't you like a snippet of what I'll be discussing? If yes, just answer the question below via my email vidae at writing dot com, and I will send you a special report. I will not share your email with others. I will not secretly opt you in to any newsletter, because frankly I don't use one, so outside of you choosing to subscribe to this blog or my twitter feed, you want receive boilerplate white paper from me. only personal emails. Isn't that what you like, to have a personal connection with someone who can help you achieve your goals without selling your soul to the devil? lol. ok. i'm sleepy obviously. So here's the question:
What is the single most important question you have about launching your book to the marketplace?
MUST you have a platform these days(large blog, website, Twitter, Facebook following) to market your book successfully? I mean, is that REALLY becoming non-negotiable?
Long ago the publishing house gave you a platform and set up an action plan and sent you out based on it. Now you have to do it either yourself or with the help of a lit pr pro.
You don't have to have a blog, website or any of those things. but you do need to have informed knowledge of who you ideal reader is and how she buys books. this information will help you decide and focus where you online activity should be.
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